

  Lean System operation system that maximize the value added by each of a company’s activities by removing waste and delays from them. Wastes in lean system are the following; overproduction, inappropriate processing, waiting, transportation, motion, inventory, defects, and underutilized of employees. Dunkin’ Donuts produces the amount of products that they will be selling for that day using the assembly line front office in the sandwich station. The bagels and donuts are sold for that day if there is a big amount of leftovers it's due to overstocking in the shelves. The characteristics of lean system supply chain contains of close supplier ties which is JIT #2.

     Small lots sizes meaning producing small amounts of inventory which cuts down the waste of overproduction or having a single-digit setup which flips an assembly line to make different items which saves time. Characteristics of the lean system process are pull method of work flow, quality at the source, uniform workstation loads, standardized components and work method, flexible workforce, automation, Five S, and total preventive maintenance. Our company does have some of these characteristics like for example the flexible workforce every employee in the store knows how to perform other job duties as well. The 5S are used to be able to maintain the stores appearance and overall the store working properly.

     Dunkin’ Donuts does adopt to the one worker, Multiple machine lean system layout. This layout is a work station in which a worker operates several different machines simultaneously to achieve a line flow. This allows the worker to move around in a circle to perform the next task to complete the order. The employee has the latte/coffee station next to the sandwich station to be able to perform the multiple task in limited time. Usually the machines have timers to let the worker know when it has finished performing its duties. Employ automation can be used to reduce employee idle time and customer wait time like the modern coffee brewers. Dunkin’ Donuts has a mobile app which can help expedite purchasing and order processing, further reducing wait time and long lines.

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