
Employees’ condition:

Honestly the way the employees are treated in this Dunkin Donut is not the best. They don’t have insurance coverage neither a good remuneration. There is no incentive reserved for the workers to serve as a motivation for them to give up their best in their service. We recommend that , the owner have to try to motivate the employees by providing them with insurance, increase their wages at least $ 9 an hour at a  minimum, offer them a vacation and not living out an incentive for the best employee of the month. This would positively reflect in the work attitude of the employees to give up their best as far as their service is concern. The outcome of them working hard will reflect in the sales of the business.

Employee Schedule:

This Dunkin Donut have a total of 24 employees. Which comprises of manger, assist manager, 3 Shift leaders and 19 crew members. The total number of workers in the store seems to be satisfactory to meet the demand of customers visiting the location. Unfortunately, that is not the case for this Dunkin Donut as a result of poor schedule put in place by the manager. Therefore our recommendation is that, the manager has to monitor and identify the daily sales of the business. That will assist him to know the busiest and the slow days in customers turn out. So that he can schedule employees appropriately to meet that demand. If that is than properly the issue of over staffing and under staffing will no longer be a problem.

Security system:

Most of the employees in the store steal from the sales register and that affects the sales of the business. During the month of December the store experience a lot of theft cases. Unfortunately, none of the intruders have never been caught. We recommend to the management to put up a high quality definition cameras to all areas of importance including but not limited to the register areas. This would significantly minimize the impact of employees’ theft cases. In addition to that, we also asked them to hire security guards during the holiday seasons in order to scare the bad guys away from the property. If this is done properly a conducive atmosphere will be establish for business and hence customers, employees and management security is ensured as well as maximizing profit.

 Over stocking:

According to the management, they order a specific quantity of goods from the cooperate office on weekly basis. The quantity ordered stays unchanged irrespective of the sales condition. The manager claims because the products can stay longer before it expires that is why he always order the same quantity. But we suggest to him that, is not a good business attitude and made him appreciate the fact of eliminating waste in business helps in maximizing profit. We told him to try to do inventory and find out what goods are needed to be ordered more and what goods doesn’t need to be order. EOQ model can be very helpful. Since this model gives the solution to when to order and how much to order.  When he does that he will escaped the risk of selling an expired product to customers and also a waste of product will be eliminated.

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