
After a successfully interviewed conducted by our group about the condition of this Dunkin Donut in question. We mutually came to a conclusion of analyzing the Store by appreciating the tool of the SWOT analysis model.

This Dunkin Donut really gained momentum in it sales activities because of its reputation as the store that brewed a delicious and high quality coffee, as a result a lot of customs visit the location on daily basis. That reputation has also help the store to attract new customers and also retain its usual customers.  

Moreover, the ability of the store to sell a variety of product has also catch the attention of the people around the location to visit the store frequently. Because they have a lot of product for customers to make a choice out of it. For example kids can buy donut and some adults that work overnight can buy a fresh brewed coffee to keep them awake at work.

In addition to that, the store runs a seasonal promotion for its customers and that has really helped them in their mission of customer retention and recruiting of floating consumers in the fast food industry.


This Dunkin Donut is not doing enough in remunerating its employees, as a result there is a high employee turnover. Anytime there is high employee turnover the quality of work done is affected and hence poor service. There is always a high probability for a company to run out of business because of poor service.

Secondly, the calories in the product of Dunkin Donuts is too much and that has earned the store a bad reputation of endangering the health condition of it consumers. That can also affect the sales of the store if something significantly is not done to reduce the amount of calories on their product.


The store is doing very well in terms of serving customers at a very fast paste environment. In respective of the quantity of goods a customer patronize, he or she must be served within 2:30 seconds. The store can utilize that opportunity and increase the number of its customers at the location and hence sales maximization.


The fortune of this Dunkin donut has been directly or indirectly threaten. After the outburst of the public concern over its unhealthy food products. It seems the other competitors in the fast food restaurant have improve the quality of their food products in response to the concerns of the public. The likes of Starbucks and Mc Donald’s are the competitors to this industry.  

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